Word Tonic is BACK with even more A1 information and advice for marketing to GEN-Z. If you’re looking for all the right stuff when it comes to GEN-Z marketing strategy, we’ve got your back.
If you’re new to our super fun and informative blog, here’s a quick little intro into who we are and what we do. Word Tonic is THE source for all of your GEN-Z related copywriting and marketing needs. We’re the first ever GEN-Z copywriting community, made up of GEN-Z copywriters and marketing professionals— and we’re all here to give each other support, share resources, and to learn as much as we can from each other.
Okay, but I’m not GEN-Z, what does this have to do with me?
EVERYTHING! It has everything to do with you— Word Tonic exists for GEN-Z, absolutely, but it also exists to give other generations a huge leg-up by working with us in order to really hit the mark when it comes to understanding (and marketing to) GEN-Z. We not only provide resources for each other, but we’re here to act as a resource for you, too!
Speaking of resources, here are a few to get you started. We’ve got an amazing weekly GEN-Z insight newsletter AND our very own, specially curated GEN-Z Slang Dictionary.
We’ve also got a fancy little recruitment section of our community too. We’ll pair you up with the perfect GEN-Z copywriter for a match made in marketing heaven. Totally check this out. You won’t regret it. ;)
If that hasn’t sold you on us yet, I don’t know what will…
Except for how wonderfully informative the rest of this blog post is about to be!
Welcome to your very own GEN-Z marketing strategy guide (or, how to really make your marketing “hip and with the times”) by Word Tonic!
The way to start effectively marketing to GEN-Z is to start to understand and appeal to our values. We all know that it’s important to do research about the things your target audience is interested in and believes in— and knowing all of this will help you understand what informs our purchases, as well as what kind of marketing campaigns will resonate with us.
Another tip? Take things a liiiiittle less seriously. Play around with your marketing a little. GEN-Z loves to be silly. A super effective way to get our attention is to speak our language! Be funny, try to understand our memes, read our Slang Dictionary, etc. The possibilities are endless when it comes to incorporating humor into your branding (or just certain marketing campaigns— it’s important to stay authentic here). Give yourself the space to explore as much as possible when trying to get GEN-Z’s attention.
On that note— SOOOO many brands are trying to get our attention! It’s exhausting. You know what helps set you above the rest? Building something big. Something well thought out. Something that means something. Build characters! Remember the Duolingo owl? We LOVE him. Build a world! Check out what Starface is doing with their branding story. Build communities! I heard a little brand called Word Tonic is doing a great job with that. ;)
Speaking of community— building one is SO key to creating a brand that GEN-Z wants to align itself with. Once you do that though, there’s a huge opportunity to incorporate user-generated content into your marketing. Putting faces to your brand (especially faces that resonate and connect with your target audience) is so important when it comes to accessibility.
And here’s the thing.
Who better to market to GEN-Z than one of our own? Why not hire a GEN-Z copywriter or marketing professional?
Remember that little recruitment section of Word Tonic that I mentioned earlier? You should absolutely get on that.
We know GEN-Z because we are GEN-Z. We are a walking, talking marketing insight— with all of the right information to get right to the heart of your target audience… because we are your target audience.
And getting advice from a member of GEN-Z is one thing. But getting advice from a member of GEN-Z that’s ALSO a copywriter with marketing experience? That’s a no brainer. We really know our stuff here. Don’t believe me? Check out what D&AD and AdAge have to say about it. They happen to think we’re pretty cool too. :)
We learn from the best of the best, with industry professionals from companies like Duolingo, Bumble, and Disney. We’re constantly learning, collaborating, growing, and honing our craft to become the best we can be.
And if there’s one thing we know (other than how to market the heck out of a product), it’s how our generation thinks. There’s a reason why it’s notoriously difficult to market to GEN-Z— we’re always changing. Wouldn’t it be better to have someone on the inside, someone who’s up to date with all of the trends and is able to seamlessly incorporate them into your marketing campaigns?
That sounds like the ultimate marketing superpower to me.